Barry's TA Blog

While on our way back to Hamilton I messaged the guy who looks after the Trail notes about the track error. He …

21/3/22, Day 105, 105km, Total 2935km Elevation Gain: 1092, Loss: 1138m I was so grateful to arrive at the end of 90 …

21/3/22, Day 105, 105km, Total 2935km Elevation Gain: 1092, Loss: 1138m A huge challenge to do the final 100km in 24 hours. …

Ahipara to Kaitaia

19/3/22, Day 106, 18km, Total 2830km Elevation Gain: 208, Loss: 199m A good easy stroll on a busy road. Denis made an …

Takahue to Kaitaia

18/3/22, Day 105, 19km, Total 2812km Elevation Gain: 157, Loss: 214 An easy and short day to arrive at my friend Denise’s …

17/3/22, Day 104, 44km, Total 2793km Elevation Gain: 1491, Loss: 1729m A very long day. Knowing today would be a long one …

16/3/22, Day 103, 29km, Total 2750km Elevation Gain: 1109, Loss:1150m A harder day in the bush but with a good river walk. …

15/3/22, Day 102, 32km, Total 2720km Elevation Gain:743, Loss: 479m A very hot day with half the 32km on roads. Had a …