26/10/21, Day 20, 24km, Total km: 602
Elevation Gain: 255, Loss 295
An easy day.
John dropped me in the middle of Feilding at 8 and I got another café style big breakfast. And it was big too. Yum.
Walked one block and past the sale yards where trucks were unloading sheep to be sold. I often wonder why I love that smell of sheep. Maybe it’s all the years I spent as a rousy in woolsheds.
Just out of Feilding a 5km long straight next to the railway line. Unfortunately the nice sealed footpath only went to halfway down that straight.
Just before Bunnythorp the track for a few hundred meters went off the road and though some long wet grass. That was bad for me as with wet feet the blister that started yesterday was a lot worse when I got to PN.
At one stage the track was supposed to be beside the railway line but it was actually easier to walk on the line itself stepping from sleeper to sleeper for half a kilometer.
Arrived at John and Gail’s in PN by 3. A 20km day is so cruisy. John and Gail are wonderful hosts. These Trail Angels add a wonderful dimension to this walk when there are so few other walkers to interact with.
Tomorrow I’ll get my Icebreaker socks with holes replaced. Got to love their lifetime warranty. I’ll also organise food for the Tararua leg from here to Waikanae.