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Tongariro Holiday Park to Oturere Hut

Day 13, 23km, Total TA kms: 393; Total Kms walked: 425km
Elevation Gain: 1238, Loss: 536

An epic day in the snow.
Woke at 6 to a clear starry sky. The sun came up without a cloud in the sky plus no wind. Was real cold with frost on the ground though.
Walked the road to the Ketitahi track and the long grind up the hill to the hut.
Bit sad to find that the hut has been taken away. Was really cold there due to the wind. Had a quick lunch break there.
From the hut site the snow got deeper and deeper. In many places it completely covered the track. Fortunately it was fresh so no ice.
I’ve done this walk many times and this is the first time I’ve seen snow like it. There were patches of snow all the way down to Oturere Hut.
Arrived at 4 and enjoyed an hour or so relaxing in the sun.
This hut has a good fire and heaps of good firewood flown in so it’s nice and warm tonight.
I’m looking at Mt Ngaruahoe out the hut window. It looks stunning right now.
I’m now doing the Round The Mountain track behind Ruapehu to Ohakune. This is an alternative track to the official TA route. So for the next 4-5 days I won’t be on the actual TA Trail. The official route is over the Tongariro crossing but I’ve done that several times and prefer this track.