Day 5, 33km, Total TA:150km
Elevation gain 893m, loss 1143m
What a gut busting day. By far the hardest yet. About 10 km road walking and most of the rest in the bush. Much of the track was good but some was very slow due horses plugging up the surface.
I was really struggling to get up some of the hills.
Fortunately the last 7km were all gently down hill. That saved me from dying on the side of the track.
Arrived at HTG at 6.30pm and surprised that no one is here. I’ve stayed here hundreds of nights (back in my caving days) so it is good to be back.
For the first time I cooked one of my dehydrated dinners and forced myself to eat it all. A huge meal and really nice. I haven’t been feeling hungry at night so I am sure I’m not eating enough. My stomach must be in shock from all the hard work.
My left foot has a good sized hole through both pairs of socks. Fortunately the expensive Icebreaker socks have a lifetime warranty. So will get them replaced when next near an outdoor shop.
TeKuiti tomorrow and a resupply.
Bit worried about the forecast for next week. Lots of rain on the way.