Today 28km
TA Total Kms 55
Realisation: My body is trying to tell me to: stop, go slower, get rid of the 11kg pack or catch a bus.
Yesterday morning I felt euphoric. Today: Discomfort.
Slept in till 7.00am. Didn’t expect that. Slept for 10 hours – usually only 7 so I must have been a bit stuffed.
Got going at 8.30 and an hour into Huntly for a bakery cooked breakfast. Yum. These meals seem to fill me up for the whole day. I’ve hardly eaten any of the food I’m carrying.
When I took my socks off at the Hakaramata lookout there was the makings of a blister on the ball of each foot. In my preparation I had not taken into account the effects of wet feet. Put some hikers wool on and was okay for rest of the day.
One toe is having a minor disagreement with it’s neighbour. Some blood loss as a result. I’ll use the Ninja toe socks until they get along with each other again.
Gear is good. Really appreciated the walking poles on the Hakaramata hills. Lost a rubber off one pole at the Kauri die back cleaning station.
My shoes and socks stink. I probably do to but haven’t noticed it yet.