Barry's TA Blog

Whakapapa to Ketitahi – Last day on the Trail
10/4/22, Day 115, 29km, Total 3219km Elevation Gain: 1091, Loss: 1519m An excellent day in terms of the weather and scenery but …
Whakapapa to National Park
9/4/22, Day 114, 20km, Total 3190km Elevation Gain: 343, Loss: 649m A much easier day with a more sensible distance. I was …
National Park to Whakahoro
8/4/22, Day 113, 53km, Total 3170km Elevation Gain: 800, Loss: 1501m A long day that was rather hard on my body. Up …
Downes Hut to Wanganui, Day 5 (Wanganui River)
5/4/22, Day 112, 42km, Total 3116 We though we had 50km left to get to Wanganui so got away at 7am. A …
Pipiriki to Downes Hut, Day 4 (Wanganui River)
4/4/2022, Day 111, 41km, Total 3074 Another gloriously sunny day as we hit the water again at 8.20am after a very pleasant …
Tieke to Pipiriki, Day 3 (Wanganui River)
4/4/22 Day 110, 24km, Total 3033km Daylight savings ended last night to mess with peoples schedules for today. We were up at …
John Coull Hut to Tieke campsite, Day 2 (Wanganui River)
2/4/22, Day 109, 38km We were first away at 8.00am. The river was once again peaceful, quiet, and picturesque. The scenery is …
Taumarunui to John Coull Hut Day 1 (Wanganui River)
1/4/22 Day 108, 36km, Total 2971km Up at 6 and ready for the briefing at 7. Into the vans and off to …