15/3/22, Day 102, 32km, Total 2720km
Elevation Gain:743, Loss: 479m
A very hot day with half the 32km on roads.
Had a cooked breakfast again so it was a late departure of around 9.30am. Then of course I needed a second cup of coffee at the stone store as that will be the last cafe I see before Friday in Kaitaia.
The river bank walk from the stone store was really good with points of interest like the power house and Rainbow Falls.
Shortly after leaving town and crossing a real DOC swing bridge it was obvious that a lot of work had been done recently to upgrade the track by cutting back the gorse and for a few kms the track was brand new and really nice.
I arrived at the Puketi DOC Hut and campsite around 5.30. The hut has power so it has strange things like electric jugs, a toaster, fridge, microwave and even a vacuum cleaner. So flash.
Tonight for dinner I had one of my home dehydrated meals. The first one since I started the Auckland section. They are so nice.