You are currently viewing TeAnau to Luxmore Hut (Kepler Track)

TeAnau to Luxmore Hut (Kepler Track)

7/2/22, Day 1, 22km, Total 22km

Elevation Gain:1232, Loss: 389m

A very pleasant day.

Left TeAnau at 9 to the visitor centre for the briefing and Hut pass then on towards the lake control gates. Past the bird sanctuary where they have Kaka and Takahe. Really well done.

The track from the control gates all the way to the hut was really well graded with an excellent surface. Was like road walking.

Got to the hut at 2.30pm and lots of people here already – at least 30 of the 40 or more staying here. Its a 50 bunk hut with an excellent outlook/views.

Did the 10 minute walk to the caves and went in for maybe 80 metres.

Great to have a really pleasant blue sky day for a change. Sure hope it continues.