You are currently viewing Freshwater Hut to Oban (Stewart Island)

Freshwater Hut to Oban (Stewart Island)

27/1/22, Day 8, 25km, Total 135km

Elevation Gain: 1017, Loss: 1006m

A splendid day.

Left early (7.00am) as expecting a long day. DOC signs said 6-7hrs to the Great Walk North Arm hut but it only took 4.5hrs. I stopped there for lunch. Looked out the window and 3 deer were sitting on the grass outside the hut. They didn’t care that I stepped outside for a pic. So quiet.

The warden and walkers at the hut were the first people I’d seen in 4 days.

The track for the rest of the way to Oban, being a great walk track, was really good, very little mud or tree roots and mostly gravelled. So I was in Oban by 3.

Managed to get a bed at the Backpackers.

Tomorrow Ulver Island then probably back to Invercargill.