3/1/22, Day 74, 13km, Total 1848km
Elevation Gain: 495, Loss: 762m
An easy day and a huge breakfast.
Had a good nights sleep in the tent and away before 7 again. Several more river crossings before we turned off for big hill. The water was much colder today.
Didn’t take long to climb to Big Hill saddle – it was only a little hill to us being just under 500m. Our perspective on big vs little hills sure has changed over the last few months.
Then an easy and gentle downhill track to Arrowtown. Another section done.
Went to the first cafĂ©, as recommended by someone we met on the track and they supplied us the biggest cooked breakfast I’ve ever seen. It was outstanding.
I caught a bus into Queenstown as there is no budget accommodation in Arrowtown and will return during the next day or two to walk from Arrowtown to Queenstown.
I also need to get to Frankton to get new shoes.