2/12/21, Day 50, 32km, Total 1235km
Elevation Gain: 783, Loss:1093
Realisation today: Not all km are the same.
Discussion at the hut last night about a DOC sign saying 5km to the hut and our TA App saying it is only 3km. Well the wise old guy at the hut, who knows everything says the 5km is measured with a wheel. So that is the actual distance. Whereas our App and a GPS only gives horizontal distance. So we are being cheated by the technology. The 1235km I’ve supposedly walked so far is actually a lot less than the actual ground covered. That’s life.
First away from the hut again and made good time to the Anne Saddle. Easiest saddle yet with almost no climbing. Then nice track down the other side for a few kms that I was able to jog.
Stopped briefly at Boyle Flats Hut for lunch then off to Boyle Village with the thought of a hot shower and a nice meal on my mind.
Dropped into the Boyle OPC at 4 for a cold drink then the hitch to Hanmer. Only had to wait 30 minutes which was good.
Booked into the YHA backpackers and enjoyed a good shower. Found a good pub (Alpine Village Inn) for a lamb shank dinner and a couple of beers. Bliss. Their Wi-Fi is really good to.
I’m feeling great. Bit sad that Alex got left behind somewhere so I’m on my own again. Hopefully he will catch up.
Amazing setting for the hut Cool valley A nice saddle indeed Open plan bridge? Boyle Flats Hut for lunch Yes, a river Boyle Village around here somewhere Lamb shanks for dinner. So nice to.