You are currently viewing Upper Travers Hut to Blue Lake Hut (Waiau)

Upper Travers Hut to Blue Lake Hut (Waiau)

29/11/21, Day 47, 17km, Total 1159km

Elevation Gain: 1239, Loss: 1348m

An excellent day.

Left the hut at 7 ahead of the others. Only 90 minutes to the Travers Saddle. Andrew and Bev arrived there shortly after me. No real view there but did get phone reception and dealt with a few txts and emails.

Lots of downhill to the next hut – West Sabine Hut. Took 45 minutes for lunch and non of the others turned up so I carried on.

Again the track followed the river to the next hut – Blue Lake Hut, but with a lot of climbing.

So lucky to have a nice sunny day for crossing the saddle.

Accidentally left my beanie at the Upper Travers Hut. Hope it catches up with me.

Finished off my second small gas cannister today. It lasted 8 days which is pretty good.

Had a look at the Blue Lake which is 100 metres from the hut. So impressed that it is the clearest lake water in the world.

Alex hasn’t shown up at the hut tonight. I assume he stayed at West Sabine Hut which will put him a day behind me.