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Red Hills Hut to St Arnauds

24/11/21, Day 44, 13km, Total 1110km

Elevation Gain: 672, Loss:894

A great day.

Of the 4 of us Red Hills Hut last night I was the only one to follow the official Trail over the Red Hills which was 13km with a bit of climbing compared to the short option down to the road.

The cloud was down around the hut when I left and with the promise of stunning views from the high point after climbing 600m I was keen to stick to the Trail. The cloud did indeed part enough for me to see the view just before descending. At that point I also rang John, the Trail Angel I had planned to stay with. Their plans had changed so it worked better for them to drop me off in St Arnauds with the offer of a trip to Nelson tomorrow.

Checked into the Backpackers and found I’m sharing a bunk room with Alex. That’s cool. We had an enjoyable evening in the restaurant sharing stories over a few beers and a nice meal – lamb shanks. Great way to finish a long hard section of the TA.