19/3/22, Day 106, 18km, Total 2830km
Elevation Gain: 208, Loss: 199m
A good easy stroll on a busy road.
Denis made an excellent breakfast and Len dropped me at Ahipara at 8.45. Only one cafe to stop at on the way and a couple of people to chat with so was in Kaitaia by 1.00pm.
The guy I chatted to in Ahipara (Dave) was a mad keen fisherman who had made a special trailer for his quad bike and fishing/camping gear. He was about to head up 90 mile Beach for a couple of days. His set up was really good. Maybe I’ll see him again tomorrow.
The weather forecast was for rain today and tomorrow. No sign of any today and I hope tomorrow is the same.
Sometime between 8 and 9.00am tomorrow I should be starting the beach walk. The plan is to attempt the whole 100km to the Cape in 24 hours. I am very nervous about this but determined to give it a go. I am lucky to have my friends Len and Denis supporting me which means I should only need to carry food and water which they will replenish tomorrow night. At least that is the plan.