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Takahue to Kaitaia

18/3/22, Day 105, 19km, Total 2812km

Elevation Gain: 157, Loss: 214

An easy and short day to arrive at my friend Denise’s place.

After a nice breakfast I left at 8.15 for the easy walk to Kaitaia. All road walking on relatively flat roads and ending with 5km on SH1. Most of the walking on SH1 had a good verge so I felt safe.

On arrival at Kaitaia I went straight to McDonald’s to rehydrate and uploaded the Blogs.

Len arrived at 2.30pm from Hamilton and will drop me at Ahipara tomorrow morning for the walk back to Kaitaia. Then Sunday I’ll hit the 90 mile Beach. I’m looking forward to this final stage and especially being able to slack pack it.