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Puketi to Apple Dam Campsite

16/3/22, Day 103, 29km, Total 2750km

Elevation Gain: 1109, Loss:1150m

A harder day in the bush but with a good river walk.

I left at 9 after doing the nature walk which had some really good stands of Kauri trees. The first 8km was on a logging road so was pretty good going. Then onto a tramping track with quite a lot of boardwalks where there were kauris. Eventually hit the river and followed that downstream for 3km. The Trail then went up a side stream for 4km which was more in the water than out of it. The stream was small enough that it was easy going and pleasant. It’s also the first time my socks have been wet since I returned from the South Island.

A very steep climb out from the stream to a new campsite created by DOC. I stopped to chat to the guy there who is installing a heap of new traps in the area. A really nice guy.

I decided to carry on for another 5km to Apple Dam Campsite despite his assurance it isn’t as good. He was right of course. Arrived at 5, a much longer day than I had expected. This campsite has a patch of grass for tents, a water tank and a loo. Very basic but adequate.

Tomorrow I enter the last section of bush for NOBOs. I also pass the Mangamuka Dairy that is 17km from here.