9/3/22, Day 97, 31km, Total 2551km
Elevation Gain: 1069, Loss:1061m
Hottest day yet but good progress.
I got away at 7.45 and had no problems crossing the estuary beside the camp ground. Made good time on the 8km to Marsden Point. Had to grab a coffee from the cafĂ© at Marsden Point then to the jetty where Peter was waiting in his boat. Had a good chat before setting off. Peter has been ferrying people across since the Trail started. At present he doesn’t charge. A wonderful man with heaps of knowledge about the Trail.
Went to the Deck cafe for lunch – I’ve been yearning for salads. My diet has been bad in terms of get enough greens. but
Then up and over Mt Lion. The two high points being 395 and 476m but it was really hot today even in the bush so I was sweating a lot. The views from the peaks were OK.
Down to Ocean Beach and along 6km on good hard sand to Jaggers Camp. This was set up for school groups. No one here looking after it, walkers just make themselves at home and leave a koha. The cabins are great.
Tomorrow there are more tide dependent estuaries to cross and another boat trip to finish at Ngunguru. I’ll need to start early to get the low tide.