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Dome Valley cafe to Pakiri beach

6/3/22, Day 94, 30km, Total 2456km

Elevation Gain: 1358, Loss: 1545m

A much harder day than yesterday.

Left at 8 and straight up hill to the Dome. This was the first of many high points I crossed today. The track was almost all on ridges and in the bush. Very little road walking today. Fortunately it was overcast most of the day but when there was no wind it was real hot and the sweat was pouring off me.

Not much in the way of views today as in the bush so much.

I was pretty stuffed when I arrived at the Pakiri Motor Camp so I shouted myself a bunkroom for $40. I’ll sleep well. It is very hot in this camp ground this evening as the sun has come out.

I made my biggest navigational stuff up today. When I got the first view of Pakiri from on top of the hill I started really looking forward to a cold drink. Then I totally missed a turn off. I checked the app twice before I finally realised my mistake. By then I had walked 1.3km in the wrong direction and had to backtrack. A good lesson on how the heat and dehydration can mess with my judgement.

There is a beach walk of 11km first thing tomorrow and 30km to Mangawhai. That should be easy.