/3/22, Day 90, 42km, Total 2432km
Elevation Gain: 823, Loss: 802m
Great to be back on the Trail and the yellow line of the TA App.
Left Hamilton at 6.30am and started walking from the Airport at 7.45 well before the heat set in.
It wasn’t far to the Stonefields where all the protests were held last year. Still a few people living there although I only saw one of them. The fire in the middle of the road was still burning.
Then there was the grass area covered in oyster catchers. It looked like they were having a conference.
Stopped at Manukau Bridge shopping centre for lunch. I was surprised by the 6 bakeries/ cafes all next to each other. A good lunch though.
Across the Manukau Bridge and then passed the sewerage treatment place.
Then around One Tree Hill – glad I didn’t have to climb that. A short distance to the top of Mt Eden then through the Domain. Some protesters were camping on top of a hill there in sympathy with those at Parliament. Only about 30 people there.
It was a short walk down through the University to the ferry terminal and across to Devonport. Over Nicks Head where the guns are then a couple of beaches before turning off after Narrow Neck beach to the Trail Angels.
Tiffany and Ian are amazing. There hospitality is awesome and there spa is great.
Definitely a great day. Tomorrow to Stillwater.