10/2/22, Day 1, 6km, Total 6km
Elevation Gain: 153, Loss:133m
A very short walking day.
The boat was scheduled to leave at 2pm so I had plenty of time to get to TeAnau Downs where it left from.
Spent half an hour trying to hitch but very little traffic so went to the track transport place and paid the $30 for the bus trip.
The boat took an hour to get to the end of the lake. The water was a bit choppy but a good trip. Then an hour walk to Clinton Hut, a 40 bed place which is full tonight.
At 5pm the warden Ross gave a really good talk and tour about the flora and fauna. His talk at 7.30pm was also entertaining.
The Milton Rotory also has a group of 22 here, including Rod Rowe who lives in Morrinsville. Small world. Rod is nearly 80 and getting along pretty well. I first met Rod nearly 50 years ago when we both worked for the same Waihi based company.
Nice sunny day today despite the forecast that was for rain.