13/2/22, Day 4, 19km, Total 75km
Elevation Gain: 479, Loss: 579m
A stroll in a beautiful park.
Everyone was up at 6 to get away early to ensure they would catch their boat. So I was away at 7 to enjoy quiet time on the track on my own once again. I’m so not used to being in crowds as I have experienced in the huts this week.
As expected the track was easy going and mostly all downhill. Arrived at Sandfly Point at 11.20am. An hour to wait for the boat if the 12.30 service runs.
The last 2km of the track was really well made as it was built for buggies over an 18 month period by 45 prisoners back in 1890. It was a failed experiment. Maybe there was not enough whipping.
The water taxi did arrive on time which left me plenty of time to get a coffee and something to eat at the café before the cruise boat left at 4.30pm.