You are currently viewing Clinton Hut to Mintaro Hut (Milford Track)

Clinton Hut to Mintaro Hut (Milford Track)

11/2/22, Day 2, 30km, Total 36km

Elevation Gain:1569, Loss:1168

The most spectacular scenery I have ever seen.

First away at 7.30am and chugged along for 5 hours to the Mintaro Hut. Had a look at the Pompolona Lodge for the guided walkers and could smell the freshly brewed coffee. Was so tempting to go in and buy one.

The scenery today was just stunning the whole way and in all directions. The near vertical valley sides tower over the track. They are impressive. Then the lakes and the pools in the river – one pool had 5 good sized trout in it, added another dimension.

At the sign that said “First view of MacKinnon Pass” all that could be seen was clouds where the Pass was supposed to be. At 11am the clouds lifted and for the rest of the day there was not a cloud to be seen.

I claimed a bunk in the hut, had lunch then set off for MacKinnon Pass in case it is in cloud again tomorrow when I cross it. It took an hour to get to the Memorial to MacKinnon. From there I could see literally straight down into the valley we walk down tomorrow. Once again spectacular scenery. I can now see why this is recognised internationally as an outstanding track.

Back at the hut I was eating some chocolate and a chunk of tooth broke (lower right mollar). Dam nuisance but not painful – fortunately.