You are currently viewing Okaka Lodge to Port Craig Lodge (Humpridge Track)

Okaka Lodge to Port Craig Lodge (Humpridge Track)

3/2/22, Day 2, 20km, Total 42km

Elevation Gain: 382, Loss: 1222m

Another splendid day.

Porridge served at 7 was very nice. Big bowl of it with brown sugar and creamy milk. I was packed and away by 8 into the clouds. Bit of a wind on the open tops but soon dropped down into the bush which was much warmer.

After 90 minutes I came to the lunch rock shelter. Nicely built but far too close to the Okaka Lodge. Carried on down the hill, mostly on boardwalks – there are 12km of them on this track, out of the 60km.

Had lunch when I arrived at the tramline and the first viaduct. There were 3 big viaducts and they are impressive. 8km of dead flat tramline to Port Craig. Grabbed a pamphlet from the Lodge and did the self guided tour of the Port Craig village where the sawmill used to be.

The Lodges on this track are excellent and the tracks are good.