20/1/22, Day 1, Rakiura, 20km, Total 20km
Elevation Gain: 760, Loss: 774
A good introduction to Stewart Island.
I got picked up at 8.15am and was the only passenger to Bluff. The ferry left at 9.45 for a relatively rough crossing. It was fun.
An hour later in Oban I had a quick look around including the DOC visitor centre. Not much to see.
It was a bit warmer in Oban than Invercargill as sheltered from the SE winds. The whole day was overcast with occasional drizzle. It was cold but manageable.
Started walking at 11.30 with 6km road walk, 8km to Port William hut then 6km to Bungaree. The first part of the track to Port William is on the Rakiura great walk track so it is gravelled and well maintained the whole way. Nice big 24 bunk Hut but full of people doing the 3 day great walk. They had the fire going and it was like a sauna inside. I got out of there as fast as I could.
The track to Bungaree is more like what I expect for the next 8 days. Lots of tree roots, up and downs as well as a few patches of mud – nothing as bad as Longwoods.
Got to the hut to find a couple with a 2 year old who have their own boat here so I enjoyed some of their wine and freshly caught fish for dinner. They are having a ball.
This hut has an outstanding view of the beach. It also has a fire that works really well. Who could wish for more?
It was nice to be wearing a new pair of boots again. No side holes to let the mud in plus lots of tread – bliss. It’s my fourth pair since starting the TA.