You are currently viewing Mason Bay Hut to Freshwater Hut (Stewart Island)

Mason Bay Hut to Freshwater Hut (Stewart Island)

26/1/22, Day 6, 14km, Total 113km

Elevation Gain: 229, Loss: 234m

First day ever that was all flat (except for the side trip that I chose to do up Rocky Mountain)

Expecting the trip to Freshwater Hut to take less than 3 hours I took my time getting ready and left at 9. Only a few minutes to the old homestead and woolshed.

From the homestead to Freshwater was almost a straight line thanks to a massive drainage ditch to drain the swamp, dug in the 1800s. The swamp is still a massive and very wet swamp with a cool boardwalk through the middle of it.

I saw a Stewart Island Robin which was so quiet that it nearly hoped onto my foot. Didn’t get a pic.

Went for a walk up Rocky Mountain (550m) which took an hour from the Freshwater Hut. Views were good but was so cold I didn’t stay there long.

Back to the hut to cut up some firewood and get the fire going. It’s a pretty good fire and Hut for my last night.

First time I’ve seen the traps for bed bugs.

Longish day tomorrow to Oban so I’ll leave at 7am. Back to civilisation after 8 days. Hmmm – not too excited about it.