You are currently viewing Long Harry to East Ruggedy Hut (Stewart Island)

Long Harry to East Ruggedy Hut (Stewart Island)

23/1/22, Day 4, 11km, Total 65km

Elevation Gain: 602, Loss: 596m

A short and easy day.

Left Hut at 9.00am – latest ever – for what should have been 6 hours to the next Hut. Arrived 4.5 hours later. It was a pleasant and easy walk. If I had left an hour or two earlier I would have continued to the next Hut.

Didn’t meet anyone today and I have the hut to myself again. Plenty of firewood around (manuka) so got a fire going.

Had to cross a stream 1km from the hut so took my shoes off and carried them to the hut. It was nice to feel the sand between my toes.

I saw 3 deer today but no kiwis as yet.