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Riverton to Invercargill

16/1/22, Day 86, 35km, Total 2175km

Elevation Gain: 262, Loss:271m

Hottest day so far.

Left Riverton at 7 in perfect conditions. The sun was up in a clear blue sky, it was cool, the tide was right out so the sand was perfect for walking on. Started with 23km on the beach which was virtually deserted until we approached Oreni where we started the 7km road walk to Invercargill. Lots of people swimming at Oreni. We found a spot under some trees for lunch then enjoyed the footpath that kept us off the road all the way into the city.

It was so very hot after lunch with a very light breeze that didn’t really cool anything.

In the city by 3 and to the Southern Cross Backpackers. A nice old house.

I’d been there 10 minutes when a guy came out and introduced himself. He was Peter who was Halley’s partner while they were in Christchurch many years ago. Was great

to catch up with him.

A NOBO TA hiker called Smash was also there – heading off towards Riverton tomorrow. Its great the people you meet in these places.

Tomorrow we should make it to Bluff. Exciting.