14/1/22, Day 84, 29km, Total 2106
Elevation Gain: 1336, Loss: 989m
An awesome day and first view of the sea this year.
We woke to clear skies and a nice sunrise. Away by 6.30 keen to get our last big challenge through Longwood Forest out of the way. Started with an easy road walk again that gradually rose to a huge eucalyptus plantation then beech forest.
Before long we were on Bald Spur with the microwave and cell phone towers plus our first view of Bluff. So lucky to have a clear day to be able to enjoy the views.
The rest of the day was lots of up and down until finally, before dropping down to the hut, we had a clear view of Stewart Island. Spectacular.
Dropped down to the hut which is the dingiest we have seen, to find 4 ladies and a guy in residence. All NOBOs. Dennis got a bunk and I slept in my tent.
Interesting evening sharing stories with the NOBOs.
Colac Bay pub for brunch tomorrow.