4/1/22, Day 75, 23km, Total 1871km
Elevation Gain: 421, Loss:479m
Another easy day.
Caught a bus to Frankton so I could get new shoes. That did not work out as well as I had hoped. Number One shoes didn’t open until 10 so had to wait an hour. Then they didn’t have the type I needed. Bugger. The current pair are a bit stuffed after 800km. I’ll have to get Len to send a pair from home to Te Anau.
Got another bus to Arrowtown and walked back to Frankton. Nice easy walking although I went astray a couple of times when the TA trail deviated from the cycle trail.
The track went through the middle of Millbrook estate which was impressive. Nicely maintained gardens etc. The track was pretty much flat so good and easy. Also it was overcast all day so the temperature was nice.
I’m enjoying being in this alpine environment even if I don’t feel inclined to race up any hills.