You are currently viewing Glendu Bay car park to Highland Creek Hut

Glendu Bay car park to Highland Creek Hut

1/1/22, Day 72, 14km, Total 1813km

Elevation Gain: 1171, Loss: 664m

A nice easy day – at the hut at 2pm.

Had breakfast in Wanaka and left at 8 for Glendu Bay.

Only took a couple of hours to get to Fern Burn Hut which like the others on this section are new – built by the station owners on account of the tenure review.

We had a break at the hut then carried on to the saddle. Was a pretty easy climb despite being more than 500m. We saw a parapont flyer cruising the ridge as we climbed.

Met a couple with two young boys walking NOBO at the saddle.

It didn’t take long to drop down to Highland Creek Hut which is in a beautiful alpine basin with an awesome view. It is great to have the time to sit in the sun on the deck. What a life.

Tomorrow we head to Rose’s Hut or Macetown.