28/12/21, Day 68, 26km, Total 1741km
Elevation Gain:1649, Loss:1296m
A tough but awesome day.
We set a new record today having gained 1649m in elevation in one day. Previous record was 1573m in the Richmond Ranges. I guess that is why I feel pretty stuffed right now.
The track from Top Timaru Hut to Stotys Hut was all in beach forest which was a nice change but it had lots of up and down plus the last part was a 500m near vertical climb. We arrived at that hut at 1.30pm and debated staying vs carrying on to the next Hut which was 3.5 hours away.
Lots more climbing of course to Breast Hill trig. Wow what a view. Looked out overri Lake Hawea, Hawea village and the Alps. Very impressive. From the trig 2km down to the hut. A nice new 8 bed Hut.