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Lake Ohau to Ahuriri River

26/12/21, Day 66, 30km, Total 1693km

Elevation Gain: 1093, Loss: 911m

Yet another awesome day.

Left Tekapo at 7 in the motorhome and were on the Trail from Lake Ohau at 8.15am.

It was soon apparent that my new socks have much better cushioning than the old ones. While in Tekapo I visited the outdoor shop and found they stock Icebreaker gear. They were more than happy to honour the warranty on the socks so I was very happy too.

Back to just Dennis and I hiking but that’s fine.

A hot sun was shining this morning but the track from the Lake to the saddle was mostly in beach trees = shade. So nice.

It was an easy climb to the saddle but no views ahead like from Stag Saddle. At that time it clouded over which was nice and for the next 3 – 4 hours it was nice and cool.

We were worried about crossing the Ahuriri River as it is supposed to be our last serious river crossing. There was certainly a lot of water flowing but we managed the crossing OK. Such a relief. It would have been a tough crossing for a solo hiker.

A few km past the river we crossed the road and as soon as we came to a good stream we camped. That was at 5pm. An excellent day.