27/12/21, Day 67, 22km, Total 1715km
Elevation Gain: 1090, Loss: 901
A short day in the rain.
It rained during the night but fortunately was clear when we had breakfast and packed up our tents. The drizzle started not long after and continued off and on most of the day.
Made Martha Saddle at midday and it’s the first where I’ve been in cloud since I started the TA. Wasn’t too bad and we got to enjoy the views while having lunch.
All day was on a good 4WD track so was an easy gradient going up and the same again going down all the way to the hut. I love those tracks.
The Top Timaru Hut is pretty new but no heating and it sure is cold today.
Tomorrow we stay at another hut then out to Hawea the day after.