22/12/21, Day 64, 26km, Total 1638km
Elevation Gain:921, Loss:1102m
The days just seem to get better.
Despite the DOC sign saying we were 3.5hours from Stag Saddle we somehow steamed our way up there in 2.5 hours. And wow – the views were stunning with Lake Tekapo not far away and Mt Cook behind the ranges and unfortunately hidden by cloud. The wind was fairly strong up there and rather cold so we didn’t hang around for long.
Took us a while to get onto the ridge that took us almost all the way down to Camp Stream Hut. A guy was there fixing the chimney that blew down last week. Lots of TA hikers stay at that hut but we decided to do an extra 8-9km so we have a shorter day tomorrow. Was rather hard to find a good camp spot due to the wind. Where we are camping has stunning views over Tekapo.
We are all really pleased with how we went today and looking forward to a few days off for Christmas.
We helped Dennis celebrate his 69th birthday today with a candle and the usual song at Royal Hut. Sure was a special day for him.