23/12/21, Day 65, 25km, Total 1663 km
Elevation Gain: 178, Loss:604m
A nice sunny day and we can sit back and relax and enjoy some Christmas cheer.
Up and away at 7 and at road carpark by 9. Annie had arranged to have our packs picked up for $10 each. So we slack packed the 13km into Tekapo. Made our day. Arrived at 1 and into a cafe for drinks and food. Then booked into the Backpackers, showered, did washing etc.
Looking forward to 2 days off.
The last few days from the Rakaia River to here have been amazing. The scenery somehow manages to jump up a notch with each saddle we cross. I reckon the view from Stag Saddle were the best best we have seen so far. With Lake Tekapo in the distance and the Southern Alps covered in snow it was breathtaking.
Added to the scenery was the company of Andrew and Brynn. The have been really cool company since we left Methven. Andrew goes back to Auckland tomorrow but Brynn continues to hike south so hopefully we will see more of him. Thanks for your company guys.