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Rangitata River to Royal Hut

21/12/21, Day 63, 25km, Total 1612km

Elevation Gain: 1378, Loss:527m

A hard but outstanding day.

Arrived at Royal Hut at 8pm – the latest I’ve stopped walking so far. We started late at 10.30am due to the need for the shuttle drive. We walked up the river valley for 4 hours then started the climbing – real climbing straight up a very steep ridge.

We had planned to stay at a hut part way up the hill but elected to continue over Bullock Bow Saddle to Royal Hut so that the climb tomorrow to Stag Saddle would be much easier. But it was a huge climb to that saddle – around 1200m. Probably one of our biggest climbs so far.

From the Saddle it was an easy 5km to the hut.

This hut was supposedly used by Princess Anne when she was a kid. There is nothing flash about it, in fact it is very basic but in the right place for us to get over Stag Pass.

All 4 of us were pretty chuffed with our effort today. We did well.

Tomorrow we cross Stag Saddle first thing then start dropping down towards Tekapo. We should be out in Tekapo on 23rd. Will put up the pictures then. We are all looking forward to tomorrow – it is a significant saddle being the highest point on the TA.