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Rakaia River to Comyns Hut

18/12/21, Day 60, 16km, Total 1528km

Elevation Gain: 883, Loss: 496

An easy and pleasant day to start the new section.

Darren from the camp ground gave us a lift up the Rakaia River valley to the start point. Very reasonable at $40 each for a round trip of an hour each way.

Started walking at 8.30 in pleasant sunny conditions – a welcome change after several days of rain. It was an easy walk up to the Saddle where the views were pretty good. We spotted a hunter at least 600m away who spooked a deer that ran off. Pretty cool to watch.

From there it was an easy walk down a stream bed to the hut, arriving at 2.

This is a really old musterers hut but it is comfortable.

Today we have a University student, Brynn, join us having been sitting in Methven for a few days waiting for the weather to clear. He is good company.

Tomorrow we have lots a river crossings starting right by the hut. It could be a big day.