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Manuka Hut to Rangitata River

20712/21, Day 62, 34km, Total 1587km

Elevation Gain:523, Loss: 775m

A long but relatively easy day spoiled by the wind.

All 4 of us left the hut at 7 knowing we had 32 km of walking to get to the road and a 5pm deadline for getting picked up by the shuttle driver. The whole day was good easy walking with very little up hill through tussock country. Of course the views in this barren and open countryside are stunning and always seem to be getting better.

We arrived at the Rangitata River at 3.30 and had to wait for Wayne to pick us up. The wind at the car park was horrendous.

So another section is completed. I think this is the first section I’ve done on the TA that in 3 days I didn’t see a single tree. The section had a good mix of easy climbs, river crossings and great scenery.