19/12/21, Day 61, 24km, Total 1552km
Elevation Gain: 883, Loss:945m
A harder day but still enjoyable. I must be getting used to this walking.
Another TA walker turned up last night, Andrew from Auckland. So 4 of us set of this morning for the first river crossing only 100m from the hut. For the first 3 hours we must have crossed that river more than 25 times. Fortunately none of the crossings got our shorts Wet. So many crossings made for rather slow going.
Once we got to Clent Saddle the views forward to Stagg Saddle where we should be in 3 or 4 days, we’re stunning.
The track crossed lots of scree slopes as it slowly made it’s way to the valley – good easy going.
We took a 1km side track to see Double Hut where Ed Hillary had stayed many years ago. There were 3 tins with goodies from a Trail Angel for TA hikers.
Arrived at Manuka Hut at 4. Another real old but comfortable hut.
Tomorrow is a long, 30km+ day then we get picked up and dropped at Geraldine.
The first of many many crossings today The team working our way upstream Nice valley Clents Saddle for lunch then the scree walks On the scree Another cool valley Real old Double Hut Double Hut Goodies from Trail Angels. Nice Ed Hillary scratched his name up there Mamalean Correction Units. Cool name for a trap