13/12/21, Day 57, 21km, Total 1388km
Elevation Gain:123, Loss:422
A very pleasant day with outstanding scenery and easy walking.
Since we could only do around 20km today due to restrictions on where we can camp we left after 8am. Nice leasurely walk although still lots of river crossings some of which would have been challenging if I was on my own.
Due to the open nature of the river valley (very few trees) the views were stunning.
There is only one “official” campsite and no huts between Hamilton Hut and Methven. So we are at this free campsite, provided by the power company, for tonight and tomorrow we have a 30km road walk to Coleridge village where we will be picked up for the trip to Methven.
Both Dennis and I have enjoyed the last two easy days and we are feeling great.
Tonight is the first time in tents since Queen Charlotte Sounds so it’ll be a nice change.