10/12/21, Day 55, 27km, Total 1348km
Elevation Gain:1227, Loss: 744m
An exhausting day.
We had been advised to “slack pack” this section of the Trail and do it in one day instead of two. So with very small light packs – lunch, raincoat and water we set off at 7. Only took us a few minutes again to hitch a lift which was very lucky.
We knew there would be a few river crossings today and the first couple were pretty easy. Turns out there was a huge number of crossings in the morning and some were real deep and fast.
We were often overtaken by runners (15 – 20 of them) who were training for the Coast to Coast. They were crazy fast.
Got to the Goat Pass hut for lunch then started the much easier descent to Klondyke corner. The trip down was pretty easy in comparison to the mornings slog up hill.
Dennis’s wife, Dorothy, picked us up in their motorhome and dropped me back in Arthur’s Pass.
Quite a day. I have a huge amount of respect now for those who compete in the Coast to Coast. That has to be one tough race.
Had a hot bath in a proper bathtub back at the Sanctuary. First one in a very long time and it was bliss.