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Locke Stream Hut to Arthur’s Pass

9/12/21, Day 54, 21km, Total 1321km

Elevation Gain: 201, Loss:443m

Despite my fears today was outstanding.

Dennis and I left at 7, both worried about the many river crossings we knew were ahead of us. The first was only 1km from the hut. We took our time searching for a place that looked manageable and safe. It worked and was a relief to be safely across but we knew there were many more. It is a big river.

The walking on the open river flats and shingle beds was pretty fast and a few hours later we were at the last crossing for that river. Same deal. Search out a safe place, in this case where the river had divided into two.

Easy walking again until the Otira river which is close to the road. This had split into 3 where we crossed and still required great care and linking up. The relief to have all those river crossings behind us.

We got to the road and put our thumbs out and within minutes we had a ride. We were in Arthur’s Pass by 2. What a day.