7/12/21, Day 52, 30km, Total 1283km
Elevation Gain: 972, Loss: 951m
An outstanding day.
Woke up to see the clouds were the same as last night. At least it wasn’t raining so I hit the Trail at 7. Good easy walking across the meadows and up to Kiwi Saddle. Then down to siddle around Lake Sumner.
I had been warned via the hut log books and the Trail notes that there are a couple of falcons living in this area. Well despite the warnings they gave me a hell of a fright. The pair screech really loud and dive bomb. Despite waving a stick above my head they would dive from behind and in front at much the same time and the one from behind actually touched my hat a couple of times. Got the adrenaline pumping.
Got to the Hurunui Hut for lunch. That’s a nice hut too.
Then 90mins to the hot pools. That was a real treat. Took a few minutes to work out how to adjust the temperature and before long it was like a spa. Sitting in the hot pool watching a couple of wild deer grazing across the river was bliss. The only downside was the sandflies but that’s to be expected.
Another 90mins and I arrived at tonights hut Hurunui 3. It’s really old but it’s been done up so it’s quite good. Three story bunks and a fire that works extremely well. Great place to spend the night. Unfortunately on my own again.
Tomorrow the river crossings start that I have been worried about. I think it will be OK from the look of the rivers today.
The Hurunui area is an inland island like at St Arnauds., for predator control. Must be working as the bird song is pretty good.
Leaving the Lodge. Low clouds Real old sign View (not) from a lookout. Lake Constance Lake Constance again Cool fungi The attacking falcon. Hurunui Hut is nice About the mainland island and predator control The sun came out for a few minutes after 2 days of rain. Keep your nose above the water – yeah OK Nice hot dip The Trail notes say this pool is a TA highlight. So correct. The deer I watched while soaking Hurunui 3 Hut for the night Workshop for DOC staff Bunks 3 high