You are currently viewing Boyd/Windy Point to Hope Kiwi Lodge (To Arthur’s Pass)

Boyd/Windy Point to Hope Kiwi Lodge (To Arthur’s Pass)

5/12/21, Day 51, 18km, Total 1253km

Elevation Gain :528, Loss: 373m

A nice easy day to ease into the next section of the TA.

It took 2 rides and not a lot of waiting to get to Windy Point. The second was with a guy in a converted bus who is into gold panning and fly fishing. He is living the life.

It was drizzling when I got to Windy Point so skipped the road section from Boyd and headed up the track. Mostly really easy going with occasional views of the river flats.

Met 4 young trampers at the halfway shelter and another guy an hour later. Nobody else around. Got the hut to myself tonight. The fire works OK so my wet gear is slowly drying. It’s a big hut/lodge with 23 bunks and 2 separate bunk rooms. Would be a cool place to live.

The forecast is for rain again tomorrow. Fortunately there are no river crossings until the day after – I hope. So I may have another shortish day to allow time for the rivers to go down. They are up at the moment and brown.