27/11/21, Day 45, 25km, Total 1135km
Elevation Gain: 754, Loss: 565m
An easy day to get back into the walking.
Cooked ourselves a huge breakfast and had one last coffee before Alex and I headed for the lake.
The day was overcast with a forecast of rain. Fortunately it held off till I was a couple of hours from the hut.
The first 2 hours of the day were along the lake edge. It sure is a beautiful lake. Then the track climbed so gradually that I wasn’t even aware that I was gaining elevation. So it was a very pleasant easy day of walking.
This is a huge 27 bunk hut with a good wood stove and a good supply of wood. There is 10 of us here tonight including another couple from Tauranga who are also TA walkers.
Tomorrow we are planning an easy 3 hours to the next hut and then wait for the weather to clear.
The rain has set in.