28/11/21, Day 46, 7km, Total 1142km
Elevation Gain:593, Loss: 54
A short day walking in the rain.
It rained all night and no sign of it easing so left the hut at 10 for the short walk to the next hut. The Travers river we followed was really raging.
One stream crossing was also raging but fortunately had caught up with Alex plus AJ and his gf so we were able to support each other across it. Many other smaller crossings were not an issue.
By the time we got to the hut my toes were totally numb. Took hours, even with dry socks, to get the feeling back.
A good wood stove and plenty of wood (mill slabs) which are still green so don’t burn very well.
We stay here until the weather clears enough for us to shoot across Travers Saddle. Seems strange spending all afternoon sitting around waiting for the weather and trying to not eat all my food. The view from this hut is great and the 5 others here are good company.