21/11/21, Day 41, 16km, Total 1059km
Elevation Gain: 777, Loss: 1655m
A cold, wet easy day.
Woke to a cloudy day with no views to be had. Got to Tarn hut at 10.40 and had a break. Nice hut beside a massive tarn. Heaps of firewood there too. The rain started when I left there and gradually got heavier until I arrived at Mid Wairoa Hut at 2.15pm.
Disappointed to find no wood burner or firewood in this but. Only an open fire place. I spent an hour chopping up firewood but it was green Manuka so a struggle to keep it burning.
We had a good night in the hut – 4 others, the same as last night.
I hope that cloud clears Up into the murk of Purple Hills I wish all the tracks were as nice as this Hard case book I started reading in the Tararuas Tarn Hut. Cool spot & nice hut The Tarn is so big Motivational message on wasp bait station Yeah right So right. It goes down real steep The rain clouds Back to the swing bridges Very basic Mid Wairoa Hut