20/11/21, Day 40, 14km, Total 1043km
Elevation Gain:1183, Loss: 1321
Gut busting climbs for epic views.
Away by 7 again and hit the cold Southerly wind as soon as I got onto the ridge. Despite pants, coat, gloves and beanie I was still cold.
Made really good time to the turn off to Old Man Hut. Then the serious climbing started. First 350m up to Little Rintoul then down and back up another 350m to Mt Rintoul. Fortunately the wind turned to the north and eased off so it was pleasant doing the climbs. Hard but pleasant.
The climbs down from both Rintouls was really steep and treacherous with the loose scree and rocks. Had to be really careful.
I took a break for food and a quick Internet catch up on both Rintouls. Could be the last coverage for a while.
Four other trampers in this but (not TA Hikers).