You are currently viewing Browning Hut to Slaty Hut (Richmonds)

Browning Hut to Slaty Hut (Richmonds)

19/11/21, Day 39, 15km, Total 1029km

Elevation Gain: 1573, Loss 671m

A stunning day with a lot of climbing.

Left Browning at 7 and at Hacket Hut an hour later. Nice settling and someone had even been in to cut the grass.

The track followed the river for a while with lots of crossings. First time I’ve had wet feet in a long time. Then the track went steeply up hill for a very long way. At least 1000m up. Reached Starveal Hut at midday and had a good long break. Good cell phone reception so uploaded another blog post.

A couple of joggers stopped to have lunch so chatted to them for a while. Wish I was fit enough to run like that again.

From Starveal upwards was mostly in the open tops. Stunning views.

Lots more climbing to finally arrive at Slaty Hut at 4.30pm.

Despite the sign saying that this is a route, and not a track, it is like a highway compared to the tracks in the Tararuas. Every tree that has fallen across the track here has been cleared and the tracks are really well maintained. The Tararua tracks haven’t had any work done on them for years it seems.

Tomorrow the weather could change to showers and worse the next day. I hope I can make it across Mt Rintoul tomorrow. That’s the highest point in the Richmonds.