You are currently viewing Cowshed Bay Campsite to Havelock

Cowshed Bay Campsite to Havelock

15/11/21, Day 35, 41km, Total 947km

Elevation Gain:1050, Loss: 1074

A big day but easy road walking after Anikiwa.

Left at 7 and started the day with a good climb. Lots of up and down all morning but great views on both sides of the ridge. Nice sunny day as well so very pleasant in the bush.

Hit Anikiwa at 12 and started the 21km road walk to Havelock. Unfortunately the highly recommended caravan at Anikiwa that serves food and drinks was closed.

Stopped in at the Queen Charlotte Hotel for a coffee and a pie. Both very good.

Absolutely blown away by the number of slips and washouts on the road from the big storm last year.

Decided to stay at the Hotel as it is cheaper than a cabin at the camp ground. My food parcel has not arrived so I might slack pack to Pelorous Bridge tomorrow then hitch back.

I’m feeling good and ready to take on the Richmond Range which is considered one of the most challenging sections of the Trail.